Goals for New Year

So far so good. Whatever happened, happened in past. But things will not go on like this forever. So here we are, at the end of this year. Year 2018. No time will be wasted. And i will be focused. I believe. I will not aim for anything that's not achievable. So here are some things I will be doing during the following year.

  1. Will read 12 books and share what i have read on blog- This year I will read six novels and six non fiction books. Novels for pleasure, non fiction for knowledge. One book a month and whatever I find interesting or my personal views, will be shared in the blog. I read books for two reasons: first, books provide good company along with knowledge that we get from them. And second it keeps me busy from the things i shouldn't be doing but somehow I am lured to them always. Finally books broaden my view of the world and changes the way I see or think about life. I have decided to share my views because firstly it will help me remember what i have read and on the other hand i have longed for so many years to share my views(and partly that's why I started this blog). This will help me share what I want to in a better way.
  2. Solve more and more programming problems- I will solve more problems daily on SPOJ, Codechef and Project Euler. Earlier i use to think that i will stick to PE but with the realisation that i cant do maths that easily i shifted my focus because doing maths require imagination which i lack. But it aint that i will abandon it completely, I will come back time to time. Another thing is that after doing codechef for some time I realised I should have been doing it a long time ago. I wished someone had introduced me to it.
  3. Will work on my maths- this year i will strengthen my mathematics. Calculus and probability.
  4.  Will work on my programming skills - more and more data structures, problem solving paradigms, etc, etc.
Happy new year to you all!


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