Books This Year


"He went to his room and brought all his books out to the courtyard. Das Kapital, The works of Lenin, Essays by Marx and Engels, Morgan, Gorki, Dostoevsky, Tolstoy, Jean Paul Sartre, Pavlov, Rabindranath Manik Bandhopadhyay, Nehru, Azad.... he took all the thick volumes on sociology, economics, politics and history and tore out their pages and scattered them all over, then gathered them together and dropped a lit matchstick on them."

Lajja is a book written by Taslima Nasreen. It is banned in bangladesh. It is a very well written book. Someone asked me to read her to know about atrocities committed by muslims on hindus in Bangladesh.

The story is based upon the incident of Demolition of Babri Masjid in 1992 in india and its effect on Bangladesh. It revolves around the lives of Sudhamoy, his wife Kironmoyee, son Suronjon, and daughter Maya. Both the father and son have active knowledge of politics. And they both believe in equality, be it religious or racial. Many of their relatives left bangladesh to avoid harm on them. But Sudhamoy believes in his motherland. He doesn't want to leave his country, and insists remaining there throughout the book.

Suronjon too, thinks why should he leave his country when it is his as equal as others'. Suronjon cannot also think of a reason as to why his Muslim friends can roam freely but it is unsafe for him during "those" times.
The events which occur as the story progresses shows the nature of 'humans'. It also explores some issues such as Identity of humans and those of animals, herd instinct, one's will, powerful as the oppressor etc etc. After every 15 to 20 pages you will read all the names of places and people that were attacked. I skipped those details but it clearly shows that even law isnt the most powerful of all.

As you read it you will know, the powerful is always the oppressor and the weak oppressed no matter what their caste, color, race, religion or country is.

Finally, it is a very good book and a must read.


प्रेमचंद की अन्य किताबों की तरह ये भी उत्तम दर्जे की किताब है। प्रेमचंद की खास बात यह है की वो कहानी का आधार नहीं बनाते। कहानी सीधे शुरू होती है, वैसे ही कहानियो की कभी कोई चरम सीमा नहीं होती। जैसे मंजिल से ज्यादा खूबसूरत सफर होता है वैसी ही प्रेमचंद की कहानिया भी है। इस उपन्यास मे प्रेमचंद ने वैश्याओं के मुद्दे को बारीकी से दिखाया और उनका मानना है इंसान जब अपनी आबरू बेच दे तो उससे बड़ा पाप संसार मे वो कर ही नहीं सकता। ये पहली दफा था जब मेरा मत उनके जैसा नहीं था। पर ना ही मुझे इसका अनुभव है न ही ज्ञान तो प्रेमचंद ही सही। उनकी एक खास बात ये भी है कि अपनी बात को वो तर्क से और विस्तार से कहते है। पाठक कभी नहीं कह सकता कि इस बात का अर्थ कुछ और है। प्रेमचंद की उनके किरदारो की मानसिक समझ लाजवाब है।
ये कुछ पंक्तिया जो सराहनीय है।
  • विचारो की स्वतन्त्रता विद्या, संगति और अनुभव पर निर्भर होती है।
  • हम कोई भेड़ बकरी तो हैं नहीं कि माँ बाप  जिसके गले मढ़ दे बस उसी की हो रहे। यह बेहूदा रिवाज यही के लोगो मे है कि औरत को इतना जलील समझते हैं, नहीं तो और सब मुल्को मे औरतें आजाद हैं। अपनी पसंद से शादी करती हैं और जब उससे रास नहीं आती तो तलाक दे देती हैं। लेकिन हम सब वही पुरानी लकीर पीटे चली आ रही है।
  • भय की चरम सीमा ही साहस है।
  • वायु सेवन मे एक प्रकार का दार्शनिक आनंद होता है। शुद्ध वायु की सुखद शीतलता, हरे भरे मैदानों की विचारोत्पादक निर्जनता और सुरम्य दृश्यो की आनंदमयी नि:स्तव्ध्ता।

The Printer of Malgudi

Ever since I read "Swami and friends" I became a fan of R.K. Narayan. He is a great storyteller.

This book focuses on two characters mainly, Srinivas and Mr Sampath. The first part is about the Srinivas starting a newspaper which becomes quite famous and is in demand all the time. It is quite interesting because he tries to seek truths of life by editing a newspaper, it is very artistic in a sense.

His friendship with Sampath began as collaborating in the newspaper printing and delivering it. The character of Mr. Sampath is also very interesting in the sense that he is quite secretive about his way of working, he never allows anyone to look through his printing room. And also he has solutions to all the problems. And that's what you should look if you read Narayan, he put life in characters like magic and makes them very interesting. 

The second part focuses on everything falling apart and the very ambitious Mr. Sampath joins hands with a film making company and Srinivas becomes the writer of the film. And like all of his novels this too ends in complicated manner.

Apart from all this there are some characters that play significant parts in the story such as the Landlord and the artist with hidden talent who fell in love with a girl and had made a beautiful sketch of her but now he cant draw because for him there's no artist without her.

The book is a novel of manners according to wikipedia. Narayan portrays all the customs, conventions of the south beautifully in all his books. And in this one characters are bound to play their roles as according to the society created by him. And he has done a great job.


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